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"Honour thy father and mother" | Women of Faith
Honoring our Parents: The First Commandment with a Promise "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the...
Relationships Between Sisters | Women of Faith
Relationships Between Sisters: Always Complex and Interesting. For Example, What Can We Learn from the Relationship Between Rachel and...
Woman of Valor Who Can Find? | Women of Faith
What does it mean to be a "Woman of Valor" in the 21st Century? Can the famous verses from Proverbs 31 be applied today? 10 A wife of...
Does Prayer Replace Sacrifice? | Scripture's Preachers
In the Bible, we learn about the importance of the sacrificial system as a means of drawing closer to God. In the modern era, without a...
What is a Messianic Congregation? | Scripture's Preachers
Messianic Jews tend to gather in synagogues, which they also refer to as "congregations." In this section, we will answer the question of...
A Messianic Jew's Incredible Message to Christians
Shalom from Israel! We, at ShelanuTV, have created this show to keep you, Christians, in touch with your family members in Israel - The...
Do Messianic Jews Baptize Infants? | Scriptures Preachers
This episode focuses on the topic of baptism: Are the roots of baptism based on a biblical commandment? Do Jews practice baptism, or is...
What is the New Testament? | Scripture's Preachers
In this episode, we will try to explain the New Testament, why it is important, what it contains, who wrote it, and whether and how it...
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