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Relationships Between Sisters | Women of Faith
Relationships Between Sisters: Always Complex and Interesting. For Example, What Can We Learn from the Relationship Between Rachel and...
Woman of Valor Who Can Find? | Women of Faith
What does it mean to be a "Woman of Valor" in the 21st Century? Can the famous verses from Proverbs 31 be applied today? 10 A wife of...
Does Prayer Replace Sacrifice? | Scripture's Preachers
In the Bible, we learn about the importance of the sacrificial system as a means of drawing closer to God. In the modern era, without a...
What is a Messianic Congregation? | Scripture's Preachers
Messianic Jews tend to gather in synagogues, which they also refer to as "congregations." In this section, we will answer the question of...
A Messianic Jew's Incredible Message to Christians
Shalom from Israel! We, at ShelanuTV, have created this show to keep you, Christians, in touch with your family members in Israel - The...
Do Messianic Jews Baptize Infants? | Scriptures Preachers
This episode focuses on the topic of baptism: Are the roots of baptism based on a biblical commandment? Do Jews practice baptism, or is...
What is the New Testament? | Scripture's Preachers
In this episode, we will try to explain the New Testament, why it is important, what it contains, who wrote it, and whether and how it...
We Tell Israelis About JESUS (Yeshua)
A young Israeli man would like to know more about Jesus (Yeshua), so he sets up a sign on a bustling street in Tel Aviv and...
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